Territorial examination of the logistics processes of enterprises

Szabó László és Szabó Károly és Gubán Miklós (2020) Territorial examination of the logistics processes of enterprises. Prosperitas, 7 (1). pp. 66-77. ISSN 2786-4359

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The position of small and medium-sized enterprises in Zala County develops peculiar to the situation in Hungary. The location of the county is not bad because there are five capitals within a radius of 250 kilometres. This central position and the small distances is much appreciated in logistics, especially in the case of local companies. The above fact also has a significant impact on the logistics processes of SMEs, many of which are closely linked to these companies, either as suppliers or as service providers. The county administration is aware of these favourable qualities, and in recent years significant developments have begun in the county council. Our entire research is related to micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises in Zala County, especially service providers. Our research explores and models the logistics processes connected to the service providers. The analysis is performed with a generalised simulation model. In the framework of our study, we attempt to find the bottleneck to make the previously mentioned processes more efficient. The article also includes a literature review of the modelling of the problem and the logistics processes related to service provider companies. We are also going to present the results of the database-processing related to the topic. In conclusion, we wish to show how service companies have evolved in the local context and how the management of their logistics operations has changed.

Tudományterület / tudományág

társadalomtudományok > gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok


Pénzügyi és Számviteli Kar


Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem

Mű típusa: Cikk
Szerző publikációban használt neve:
Publikációban használt név ORCIDMTMT szerző azonosító
Szabó László10037836
Szabó Károly10068114
Gubán Miklós0000-0001-7416-240610011931
Kulcsszavak: logistics processes, simulation, SMEs, provider of logistics, Zala county
Felhasználó: Eszenyi-Bakos Kinga
A mű MTMT azonosítója: 31529551
DOI azonosító: https://doi.org/10.31570/Prosp_2020_01_6
Rekord készítés dátuma: 2021. Jún. 02. 11:07
Utolsó módosítás: 2023. Jan. 30. 10:58
URI: https://publikaciotar.uni-bge.hu/id/eprint/1727

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